You are and will always be (to me)
"theLONDONmethod Studio".
I believe that is also true for many who have
walked through your beautiful door.

I remember the first time I saw you. You belonged to Pam. At the time, she had her own big dreams for what you might become. You were destined to be a beautiful little cafe under Pam's compassionate, creative ownership, but it seemed fate had other plans for us all.
I had been teaching theORIGINAL class from my home studio, under my new brand, theLONDONmethod.
Pam had been taking my class when she had a feeling about something and decided to bring me to meet YOU!
Your walls were the shade of 'blush pink,' the primary color of my beautiful new tLm brand.
Your perfect retro door made a statement all on her own. Walking through that door felt like an invitation, and it still does every time.
We didn't know it then, but when Pam and I found each other, something greater was at work.
she loved tLm + she loved theORIGINAL
WE loved hanging out together
She had an idea and brought me to meet you.
That was all it took.
It was LOVE!
We walked in, I looked at her, and no words were needed! YOU were the one. This was the place. tLm had a home!
See you, made a BIG decision, an easy one.
It was a dream come true to build tLm with you.
You were a principal player, our beautiful container, supporting every person who came in
for class, for conversation, for connection.
With help from my wonderful friend Lisa, she brought her own special magic to you and saw all you could be. With her creative eye, she guided us on how to blend the perfect amount of modern comfort with a welcoming warmth and feel cozy and feminine at the same time. Something tLm became known for. You just felt like LOVE!
Oh, what a special space you have been. I cherish every moment I've spent with you. I will never forget the hundreds of lives that were changed within your walls. The transformations that took place, the laughter that was had, the smiles on the faces, the dance parties that were held, the confidence that was built, the friendships that were made, and the business that was born.
You will forever be an intrinsic part of tLm and of ME!
I've never known a space like you and that's why it's so hard to let you go.
I'm learning that if you stay open (even when you want to close) and if you are willing to receive
(even when you're scared), wonderful things come to you right on time.
Though often accompanied by what feels like a hard lesson, when you stay the course, you might
find out that you're tougher than you thought you were and that you've actually got what it takes
to get to the other side.
I've known for a while that this is what needed to happen, but it felt impossible. I didn't think I could
bring myself to admit it, let alone say it out loud.
But life has a way of bridging the gap when we can't make the crossing on our own.
Then, one day, without fanfare or huge epiphanies or handwringing, I felt myself let go of the stranglehold I'd had on you, and just like that, I knew it was time.
It was small, but I distinctively felt myself open up to the "what if?" and to the "what's next?"
I let some space in my heart and my head start to imagine a life without you and envisioned you
becoming a dream space for someone new.
You are one of the BIG ones for me.
One of my great loves, and you are leaving an indelible mark on my heart.
I know letting you go is the right thing to do.
I have to make some new choices for my life and my work. It's time for a new version of tLm. I'm working that out.
My heart's desire is that someone else will see you as I did. As I "do!" That, like me,
they'll know in an instant that YOU are their dream.
They will feel invited in, make you their own, and begin their next adventure with you.
I hope they'll keep you as beautiful as you are now, that people will find you, find this sweet space, and
experience you the way I have, the way so many have.
To feel the incredible energy infused in this space and see for themselves all that you are capable of giving.
It's time for me to go and let you become something new to someone else.
My memories of the last nine years will stay with me for a lifetime. This was a magic place where we circled up, came together, and sometimes found parts of ourselves deep in our bodies that we never knew existed.
"Together as One" and "Better Together" have been two of the greatest gifts I've ever been given.Â
May a loving 'someone' find you and adore you as I have, as WE have, for nearly a decade.
What a blessing you've been.
I will miss you until we meet again.
Thank you for being there for me, for us.